Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Easy Christmas Gift

It's one of those things you really want to do this time of year, but can easily become overwhelming: Christmas gifts for teachers, friends, and neighbors. Set aside thoughts of baking for hours on end for I have a simple solution.

For the last several years I've been giving this out to the kids' teachers, along with a tree ornament. Get a hold of a chocolate bar (ie, Hershey's, Symphony, etc) and attach the following:

(Sung to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Dashing from the mall
With groceries yet to buy.
Children, work, and house cleaning,
Life is so crazy! Why?
Bells on our cell phones ring,
The machine will take the call,
We have no time to breathe this year,
It drives us up the wall!
How are you? How's your life?
We really want to know.
We'd love to chat and hear the news,
But please don't talk to slow.
How are you? How's your life?
When is it gonna snow?
We hope you have - is that the time?
We really have to go.
A day or two ago,
We thought we'd make a treat.
A present to give out this year -
A Christmas gift to eat.
Intentions were top notch,
But our schedules would not budge,
Hence here's this year's edition of
Our homemade Christmas fudge!


Ellen said...

Good idea! I may just refer to this for those neighbor gifts that are sneaking up on me.

Team Jensen said...

Brilliant! Where were you a week ago! I need to do this another year, though this year, seriously, I should have looked for something like this. Mind if I file it away for future use???

LaurieW said...

I was thinking I should have posted this a week ago!!! Go right ahead. I don't know who the author of the poem is, but it really is perfect :)

Josie and Wayne said...

I was going to ask if you wrote the poem. This is great! I just don't feel the need to give presents to all the neighbors. I guess I'm lame like that.