Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I LOVE the Visitor Map Feature!

It probably sounds lame, and in many ways I am just that, but it's so much fun to see where exactly my blog is being read out there! Some places are expected, like here in the Salt Lake valley, and others are REALLY unexpected.

Just yesterday I looked to see someone clear over in Pennsylvania had logged on here, and I couldn't help wondering, "Uh, who?" Turns out it was a new friend from a Yahoo group I've recently joined. How fun!!

There's someone up in Washington who logs in frequently - no idea who but it's exciting!

And then there are two down in Arizona. One I know (YES Miss Ingrid, I'm thinking of you), but the other makes me curious.

Of course, my favorite little red heart is the one WAY over in England. I love that I'm read in different lands...thank you Herbie. Okay so my sis-in-law Melanie has me beat as she has LOADS of family over in Belguim. But still, I'll take anything I can get.

All in all it's been one of my favorite features included here on my blog, giving me warm fuzzies all over :)


Burwell's Bits said...

I am feeling warm here, not sure if it is the fuzzies though. It may just be the 110 degree temps. Coming to visit????

Debbie said...

Yeah, I totally agree. Tracking maps are FUN!

Ellen said...

Where do you find a tracking map? I didn't know about that feature.

LaurieW said...

If you click on the map it'll take you to the site that does the maps. Then you'd just use one of the 3rd party gadgets to put it on :)